Countless studies show that a messy office hampers productivity and makes for unhappy workers.

Even if there is an office cleaner (or ten), each employee can do their part in creating a cleaner and more productive working space.

These hacks can be incorporated into the day-to-day office operations and go a long way in facilitating a clean working environment.

1.  Recycle, recycle, recycle.

An office cleaning schedule should also include recycling. Staff will not only have a cleaner office, but will contribute to making the earth a better place too.

Knowing what to recycle and making it recyclable can be tricky though.

A good place to start is partnering with an organisation such as The Recycling Box, which provides colour-coded bins with clear labels so people can separate their waste.  The Recycling Box will also assist with office collections. Batteries, lightbulbs and printer cartridges must not be mixed with other recycling items and unfortunately drop-off centres don’t recycle them. There are a few Pick n Pay stores that recycle these items however. Go to to find a store nearest to your offices. E-waste (computers, printers, scanners and copiers) can be dropped off at Incredible Connection. It’s advisable to do some online research as to providers of E-waste recycling services in your area.

 It’s a good idea to have colourful posters around the office with instructions about how to recycle.

A rule of thumb is to wash out dirty glass and tin containers. Remove the labels. Most paper products can be recycled, except for serviettes, tissues and nappies.

2. The paperless office (or nearly).

It’s never going to be an entirely paperless future, but there are ways of reducing the piles of files taking over employees’ desks. Dropbox and Google Drive assist with the sharing of documents among colleagues – without the need for printing.
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Reduce wasted paper that originates from stacks of meeting handouts by using Teamviewer or Survey Monkey instead.  With Teamviewer, you’re able to share your computer screen with meeting participants  and create an online forum. Survey Monkey essentially takes surveys online. In addition, Survey Monkey analyses survey data and generates a report.

3.  Get employees to do a daily desk decluttering and reward them for their efforts.

An article in Forbes magazine quotes a study that found that clutter undermines staff productivity and motivation. “When your workspace is organised and precise, you have the mindset and motivation to work.” Office cleaning begins at an employee’s desk: there should only be a few, essential items on a desk, such as a computer, notepad, pen and water bottle. This means that the plethora of coffee cups, Monday’s newspaper and the to-do post-its should be relegated to the sink and dustbin.  Most people also have files of papers and piles of notes. While these may be important, have a dedicated filing corner to cut down on clutter. In addition, gym bags, coats and high heels (now swapped for comfortable pumps) should not be in a heap next to or under desks. Consider having coat racks installed in your cloakrooms, or storage bins underneath desks where employees can place their paraphernalia.

Have a daily desk cleaning policy in place.

A reward system is a great way to motivate employees; those who consistently prove themselves to be efficient declutterers get points. These points could translate into a family meal voucher or a luxury chocolate box.

4.  Outsource the harder, but necessary office cleaning duties.

Obviously, not all office cleaning duties can be done by staff members – ceilings, carpets, deep cleaning are some examples. A good idea is to outsource professional office cleaning services in order to ensure that your office is thoroughly cleaned on a regular basis.
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Call The Specialists today to find out how we can help you to maintain a clean office environment.

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 Image credit - Instant Offices
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