You may be completely fed up with the site of cockroaches and other pests in the office, and are seriously considering fumigation services. But this is a hazardous undertaking, and highly disruptive to the working day. Before you contact the fumigation services, however, you may want to consider a do-it-yourself approach to pest control. As a rule of thumb, prevention is better than cure.

Clean all upholstery and carpets

A thoroughly clean office will mitigate the propagation of pests such as fleas and cockroaches. Organic matter (crumbs, dust, dirt and grime) is their food source, and as such must be removed. The office carpets should be vacuumed as often as possible and a schedule should be in place. For instance, the CEO's office, meeting rooms, the kitchen and ablution blocks could be vacuumed each morning before staff begins their day. Then, less populous areas could be vacuumed once a week. The vacuum bag should be emptied and replaced on a regular basis. A professional cleaning service can assist you in drawing up such a schedule, if needs be. A deep carpet clean should also be done once a month at least. This involves specialised equipment. Couch cushions, throws and other office décor should also be laundered, with constant attention paid to stains and spills.

Fix water leaks

Common office pests, and in particular cockroaches, are drawn to water, and so all water leakages should be fixed immediately. This involves insulating and taping off gaps between piping and walls. Then, make sure that all taps in bathrooms and kitchens are turned off after use, and that faulty ones are fixed. The office cleaner must try and keep these areas as dry as possible.
See also  The secret to year-round pest control

Check behind the office dishwasher

Pests love warm places, so ensuring the dishwasher, microwave and coffee machine are clean and dry goes a long way in warding off those bacteria-carrying critters.

Maintaining kitchen hygiene

Having all the coffee mugs washed, the dustbin regularly emptied, the fridge cleaned of old food stuff and grease wiped off counter tops will mitigate a pest infestation. A cleaning schedule must be implemented and maintained. Perhaps each staff member could be given a “kitchen cleaning duty” such as stacking the dishwasher or cleaning the inside of the microwave. This can be done in addition to regular office cleaning duties carried out by the office cleaner.

Keeping a watch over the paper piles

Paper and cardboard are sources of food for pests. Make sure that if paper is intended for recycling, it is kept in tightly concealed containers so that pests aren’t able to easily infiltrate these.

If all else fails

Even though there may be stringent health and hygiene practices in place at the workplace, fumigation services may still need to be called in. This is because many pests have nests in difficult-to-access places, such as cracks and crevices in walls, underneath ceiling boards and the very bottom layers of the office carpet. Fumigation deals with pest manifestations over a large area and is effective in the long-term: many offices don’t need any form of fumigation for five to ten years after the intial application. Some fumigation service providers are able to fumigate after hours so that working hours are not disrupted. In addition, they will assist in preparing the space before the fumigation job: decluttering and covering plants and flowers for instance.
See also  What You Can Learn from the Worst Spring Cleaning Advice
If fumigating is inevitable, call us today to assist you.

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Image credit - My Nutrition Group