For the best results, dry carpet cleaning should be performed by professionals.
An expert and professional dry carpet cleaning service will be able to guarantee you great results after treatment. Many professional carpet cleaners use the wet carpet cleaning process which can prove a tedious exercise and sometimes the effects of prolonged moisture on the carpets can have some drawbacks. If your carpets remain wet, you are in danger of mould and mildew forming and often a musky odour to go with it. Dry carpet cleaning doesn’t have these drawbacks and therefore, is a better choice of treatment.Dry carpet cleaning uses very little moisture and it dries quickly - and these are only some of the benefits.
Dry carpet cleaning isn’t as labour- intensive as the other systems and your carpets will dry out rapidly. Dry carpet cleaning is also the best way to reduce dust-mites and other common allergens in your home making for a healthier environment for you and your family. Furthermore, dry-carpet cleaning doesn’t leave a detergent residue which often collects dirt. It has a built-in fibre protector which helps to prevent future stains and you are able to use the carpeted area within 30 to 60 minutes after treatment.The science behind dry carpet cleaning is simpler than your think.
The treatment consists of detergents and emulsifiers being sprayed onto the carpet, these will breakdown any of the dirt, grime and greasy substances that may be dirtying your carpeted area in your home. If there is a particularly stain that needs attention then the cleaning service will manually apply a treatment to the area to lift the stain. Most times severely stained areas will require a pre-treatment or a pre-conditioner. The products are administered to the carpets fifteen minutes before the actual cleaning activity begins. After the treatments have sufficiently soaked into the carpets, the area is vigorously brushed with an agitator that has counter-rotating brushes. This exercise disturbs and loosens up the dirt or grime and works the treatments deeper into the carpets. This activity will continue until the carpets have been thoroughly agitated and if there are any severely stained areas this treatment process will be performed a number of times over the stain. The last action to take place is the vacuuming of the carpets by an industrial strength vacuum cleaner. For a professional dry carpet cleaning service that will leave your carpets fresh and looking as good as new please contact The Specialists.[hs_action id="640"]
Image Credit - carpetsplus