Flies can be a major nuisance during the summer season. We understand the importance of making sure your festive meals are free of pests and none of your guests are left swatting the air. These are our specialist fly repellent tips:
  • Keep all doors closed as much as possible, especially while you’re cooking. Flies are attracted to food items and anything sweet. What’s more, they are carnivorous and even exposed defrosting meat can attract them. If you would like to keep doors open, point a fan in the direction of the open door and make use of a fly repellent inside your home.
  • Make sure you properly dispose of your trash. Trash, fermenting food and the like will attract flies. Make sure your indoor and outdoor bins are properly sealed.
  • Drain the water that collects around your premises. Flies and other pests love motionless water and, while you can’t do anything about a lake or pond nearby, ensure you empty out the bird bath, trash-can lids, play-area tyres and gutters. Professionally getting rid of flies is a better bet than any and pest control professionals will be able to help you maintain a fly-free environment.
Still struggling? Call an expert! Pest control specialists will assist you in getting rid of flies by safeguarding windows, doors and any outside vents, as well as implementing good housekeeping practices to avoid attracting flies and ensuring you get a tailored service for your specific needs. Contact The Specialists today, to get rid of an established fly problem you should look to the professionals.
See also  Pest Control Specialists
insect-identification-guide Photo credit - HGTV