September is here, which means it’s time to get down to the business of spring cleaning! But not only that, 16-21 September marks Clean-Up & Recycle SA Week, an annual initiative by the local plastics industry aimed at creating awareness of the need to reduce waste that inevitably ends up in our oceans.

According to the Department of Environmental Affairs:

“At its core, ocean trash is a people problem – perpetuated by the often-unwitting practices that industry and people have adopted over time. It affects human health and safety, endangers marine wildlife and costs states and nations countless millions in wasted resources and lost revenue.”

Reduce your contribution to landfills and enjoy a cleaner, healthier home with these simple tips.

1. Reduce clutter

Spring cleaning is all about a fresh start, getting rid of the old to make way for the new. The best way to do that is to go through your home, room by room, drawer by drawer and closet by closet, to ‘weed’ out the items that you don’t need anymore. As the saying goes; ‘If it doesn’t bring you joy, let it go. Once you’re done, you’ll find that your space is a lot less cluttered and messy.

Before you chuck out your preloved items though, consider donating or selling them on to someone who would appreciate it, ensuring that they don’t just go to waste (literally).

2. Reuse what you can

Avoid the ‘throw-it-away’ mentality and think about how you can reuse items that might otherwise go to the landfill. Empty jam jars, ice-cream tubs and plastic bags can be used for storage while newspaper, old fabrics and scrap paper can be used for cleaning tasks or as part of crafty projects with the kids.
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3. Recycle as you go

How often do you recycle? Do you recycle at all? Think about how you can set up your home or office for easy recycling. You’ll be surprised to find out just how much of what you use can be recycled instead of dumped. Find out about recycling points in your area or organise a weekly pick up in your neighbourhood to share the load.

4. Avoid unnecessary waste

This doesn’t just apply to single-use items like packaging, but also the resources we use to clean. Make your cleaning products go further by only using a small amount and plan your household cleaning chores so that you can reuse water for certain activities.

5. Choose to clean green

In addition to reducing waste, it’s important to choose products that are not harmful to the environment. Many off-the-shelf cleaning products contain toxic chemicals that cause environmental pollution not to mention severe health hazards to those exposed.

Learn more about our range of eco-friendly cleaning products.

6. Think before you trash

Most people are surprised at the amount of hazardous waste that they may be unknowingly throwing away. Bug spray, drain cleaner, old paint, used motor oil, pool chemicals, old lighter fluid, nail polish, old batteries, rat poison, unused electronic items, compact fluorescent lightbulbs (CFLs), nail polish remover, and dozens of other ordinary consumer products are toxic and shouldn’t be tossed with the regular trash. Instead, find out if any stores in the area recycle these items or can dispose of these items in a safe, environmentally friendly way.
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7. Look for community drives

Get involved in cleaning initiatives by looking for events happening your area. Better yet, start your own clean-up campaign in your area or at your office and spread the word to get others involved too.

Ask us about our green cleaning services for a healthier, safer clean! Contact us for a cleaning quote