Winter is the new spring

Cleaning Specialists
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Cleaning articles
The Complete Guide to Food Safety at Home
Each year, millions of people get sick from eating contaminated food as a result of poor kitchen hygiene practices. While there’s not much you can do to control how your food is prepared at restaurants, there is a lot you can do to keep your family safe at home. Who...
Benefits of Hiring Quality House Cleaning Services
Benefits of Hiring Quality House Cleaning Services Upon searching for professional house cleaning services to keep your home clean, it is of importance that you ask yourself about the benefits of having a professional doing the cleaning instead of doing it yourself....
8 Simple Tips to Pest-Proof Your Property this Winter
Most people associate Winter with cold weather, short daylight hours, and a welcome relief from many nuisance pests. While the warmer months may bring flying pests such as mosquitoes, flies and stinging insects – Winter also has its own set of pest problems as rats,...
General Cleaning vs. Deep Cleaning: What’s the Difference?
Cleaning is an ongoing process that’s never truly finished. Keeping your space tidy and free of dust, dirt and allergens is a necessary part of ensuring a healthy environment for all. But is your weekly cleaning routine enough? Here, we discuss two types of cleaning,...
POST- OCCUPATIONAL CLEANING When moving out of a place you once occupied, packing up is the only factor you are likely to worry about. That is when you realise that you have way more stuff than when you initial moved in. An important factor that becomes evident when...
A single sign indicating an unhygienic environment or lack of cleanliness can significantly have a negative impact in your restaurants’ reputation and finances as customers will be driven away by the dirt. It is much easier for customers to buy in at a restaurant that...
Improving the quality of hygiene makes good financial sense
The Specialists Hygiene Understands the hygiene challenges that food and beverage environments encounter we strive to provide products and services to ensure these issues are removed helping to improve and maintain a high level of hygiene within your premises. We...
Is your workplace ready for your employees and customers?
Life after the devastation of Covid-19 will not be the same – not for the foreseeable future at least. In accordance with the legislation governing workplaces in relation to COVID-19, the employer is required to provide a working...
The Importance Of Washing Your Hands In The Midst Of The Corona Virus Outbreak:
Very few diseases have managed to cause as much fear and mayhem, such as the recent outbreak of the Corona Virus. The death toll resulting from the disease has now surpassed 3, 000 and it seems there is no end or cure in sight, and the worst affected country seemingly...
The Cleaning Specialists
Maintaining optimum levels of hygiene in the workplace is crucial to facilitate the health of your employees. Simply, regular cleaning of the toilets, workstations and the office, is one of the most effective ways to improve hygiene. It is advisable to hire a...