Company Profile

Uncompromising Quality

Concentrate on your core business as you trust Cleaning Specialists to keep your environment truly clean and healthy. Responsible corporate citizens owe it to their customers and staff to provide clean and hygienic working environment. The food and hospitality industries, health and beauty sectors, and even the everyday workplace, where employee wellbeing is critical to productivity – all require clean, germ-free environments. Cleaning Specialists understand unique cleaning needs across all industries and offer a wide variety of targeted services, including carpet cleaning, window cleaning, general contract cleaning, and more.

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National Support Line: 0860 08 08 08


The Specialists Group is currently a Level 2 Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) Contributor.

Health and Safety

The Specialists comply fully with the Occupational Health and Safety Act (85 of 1993) in the implementation of all our systems and services. Furthermore, we are fully compliant with the Hazardous Substance Act (15 of 1953), which pertains to certain chemicals and solutions used in specific processes. Due to the nature of our operation, we subscribe fully to the Health Act (63 of 1997) and Skills Development Act (97 of 1998). Relevant SABS, Safety Standards are implemented throughout our operations.

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