0860 08 08 08 | 060 969 9891

Home and Business Cleaning Services In SOUTH COAST

  • Wet and dry carpet cleaning and upholstery cleaning
  • Pre-occupational cleaning
  • Spring cleaning
  • Window cleaning
  • Mattress cleaning
  • Fabric protection
  • Contract cleaning
  • Hospital cleaning
  • Hotel cleaning
  • Deep cleaning & disinfecting
  • Canopy or extractor hood cleaning
  • Fat trap cleaning
  • Computer cleaning
  • Ceiling cleaning
  • Stripping and sealing
  • Specialised cleaning services
  • And any other cleaning services

Why choose Cleaning Services Specialists SOUTH COAST

National Helpline

0860 08 08 08

Branch Directors: 

Phone: 0860 08 08 08
060 969 9891
Address: 1 National Road, Shop 18B, Sebenza Village, Ramsgate, 4285

About SOUTH COAST Cleaning Services Specialists

On the Kwazulu Natal South Coast there are both cleaning services and pest control branches of The Specialists.

The South Coast Cleaning Specialists branch has a number of corporate contracts and is very busy in the hospitality sector.

Their focus is not limited to commercial properties such as offices; they also service residential properties, industrial properties. The South Coast is a wonderful tourist destination and the branch is very involved with cleaning in the hospitality industry as well as providing training for the cleaners in this sector.

We provide a professional Integrated Cleaning Services in the South Coast including :

Adam | Anerley | Antioch | Assisi | Aulton | Bafallo Park | Baildin | Bazley | Bendigo | Bisi | Bityl | Bizana | Bongweni | Bonny Ridge | Bont Rand | Booker | Bosreservaat | Braemer | Brooks | Cedarville | Cenan | Centocow | Centrocow | Coba Vale | Coleford | Colonanek | Concele | Cottondale | Creighton | Dedudu | Dududu | Dulin | Duneside | Dweshula | Eerderville | Elysium | Embotyi | Envis | Esperanza | Etterby | Ettick | Faiths | Fingwel | Flag Staff | Fletcherville | Fort Donald | Franklin | Freeland Park | Friedendu | Gamalakhe | Gemvale | Glen Beaulah | Glen Echo | Glengorry | Glenmore Beach | Goqwona | Gugweni | Gxaku | Harding | Hibberdene | Highflats | Hlabati | Hlutankuungo | Holy Cross | Houstonshope | Ifafa Beach | Illovo Glen | Illovo | Impisi | Ixopo | Izingolweni | Izotsha | Jolivet | Kag’s Post | Karridene | Katkop | Kelso | Kingsburgh | Kingscote | Kinirapoort | Kirby’s Post | Kliprus | Kok’s Hill | Kokstad | Kunata | Kuwana | Kwa Dweshula | Kwa Palani | Kwera | La Trappe | Lahlagubo | Lehlohomolo | Leisure Bay | Lewellyn | Lower Pitseng | Lubaleko | Ludeke | Lusikisiki | Magabeni | Malenge | Manaba | Magabeni | Malenge | Manaba | Marina Beach | Matatiele | Matushu | Mfume | Mfundisweni | Mhlabamnyama | Midgley | Mkambali |Mkemani | Mondi | Moordenaarsknik | Mount Ayliff | Mount Fletcher | Mount Frere | Msinisini | Mtamvuna | Mtwalume | Munzi Drift | Mzabeni | Mzanba Beach | Naidooville | Ncoti | Ndakeni | New Amaffi | New Market | Ngabeni | Njane | Nkantsweni | Nongai Fort | Nqabeni | Ntlenzi | Ntloselo | Ongeluksnek | Oribi Gorge | Paddock | Palm Beach | Palmerton | Park Rynie South | Pennington | Port Edward | Port Grosvenor | Portbello Beach | Qumba | Ramatselizo’s Apart | Ramsgate | Redoubt | Ridge | Riverside |Roseneath | Rustfontein | Rydal | Saamloop | San Lameer | Scotburgh | Selebeni | Sezela | Shelly Beach | Shores| Shulton Park | Sigoga | Sihlito | Singisi | Sinxago | Sneezewood | South Port | South Sand | Southbroom | St Fairrhs | St Faiths | St Michaels | St Winfreds | Stafford’s |Sulenkama | Sunwich | Swartberg | Ntabankulu | Taleni | Thaba Chitga | Tina Bridge | Tina Falls | Titana | Trafalgar | Triple Streams | Tsitsa Bridge | Tuton | Tutu | Tyira | Umgababa | Umkomaas | Umnini | Umtentu | Umtentweni | Umzimkulu | Umzinto | Umzumbe | Uvongo | Weza | Widenham | Zimpohleni | Zinouka

Get In Touch


Cleaning Specialists in The South Coast are an industry leader in providing environmentally safe, reliable and superior services in order to protect our customer’s health, food and property.  Trusted and Recommended since 1991.


Monday: 07:30-16:30

Tuesday: 07:30-16:30

Wednesday: 07:30-16:30

Thursday: 07:30-16:30

Friday: 07:30-16:30

Saturday: Closed

Sunday: Closed

Public Holidays: Closed


Whether you’re looking for pest control solutions for a large industrial premises or for your family home, we’ve got 36 years of pest control experience under our belt. We offer a range of pest control solutions, including: bird proofing, flea control, rodent control and more.

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