034 326 3151 | 082 495 0587


  • Nuisance birds
  • Termite
  • Borer beetle
  • Stored product instects
  • Food safety (HCCP, FSSC22000)
  • Our fumigation services include ISPM-15 certification and shipping containers.
  • Weed control on industrial sites i.e. railway lines, power or telephone lines, yards & garden weed control.

Why choose Pest Control Specialists NORTHERN NATAL

National Helpline

0860 08 08 08

Branch Director: Hans Wortmann
Phone: 034 326 3151
0861 101 780
034 983 2793
036 631 0430
Cell: 082 495 0587
Address: 65 Sutherland St, Newcastle Central, Newcastle, 2940

About NORTHERN NATAL Pest Control Specialists

The Northern Natal Pest Control branch was established in July 1998, giving us over 18 years of experience and satisfied customers.

Our branch has a large number of corporate clients and contracts for the control of cockroaches and rodents, and also services the domestic market.

We have a large number of clients that require cockroach and rodent control programmes.  These programmes are compliant with international standards and customers are provided with the needed documentation as required to meet these standards. In addition, we provide control for ants, cockroaches, fleas, rodents and sometimes flies for our domestic clients. We can also provide control methods for pestilent birds in commercial and domestic buildings as well as soil poisoning against termites prior to construction, and treatment for existing buildings against termite infestations.

Northern Natal Pest Control Specialists areas serviced:

Aanvoelens |  Aberfeldy | Acaciaville |Ackerman | Acton Homes | Alcockspruit | Aloepark | Alpha | Amajuba | Amakhasi | Amiel Park | Anysspruit | Appha | Arandis | Aranos | Arborpark | Aviary Hill | Babanango | Ballengeich | Balli Hi Hotel | Barklieside | Barry Hertzog Park | Beachwick | Berbice | Bergen | Bergsig | Bergview | Bergville | Berou | Besters | Bhadeni | Bhekuzulu | Biggarsberg | Bivane | Black Umfolozi | Bloedrivier | Bloubank | Bloukop | Bonnybraes | Bookmaker | Boscobello| Bothas Pass | Bothashoop | Brakfontein | Brakwal | Braunschweig | Breedal | Brereton| Buitenzorg | Burford | Calvert | Casa Mia | Cathedral Peak | Cavan | Cayingubo | Central| Champagne Valley | Charlestown | Clantarf | Claremont | Clontarf | Clove | Colenso | Collins Pass | Colworth | Commondale | Confidence | Coronation | Craige Burn | Craigsforth | Cundycleugh | Daggakraal | Dalia | Dannahauser | Danskraal | Dassieshoogte |  Daveton | De Beers Pass | De Jagers Drift | Delfkom | Dirkiesdorp | Doornkloof | Doornkraal | Doringberg | Doverton | Doveton | Driedeel | Driefontein | Driel Barrage | Dukuza | Dumbe | Dundee | Durncol | Dwarsrand| Edelpark | Eeram | Egerton | Eindig | Ekuvukeni | Elandsberg | Elandskraal | Elandslaagte | Emmas | Emnambithi | Emondlo | Engogweni | Enzenzeleni | Equarand | Erasmuspark | Erdzak |Esigodini | Esizameleni | Etholeni | Eversholt | Extremity | Ezakheni | Fairleigh | Fernwood | Fickland | Firham | Fitty Park | Flint | Flora Park | Fort Mistake | Forest Dale| Fort Louis | Frishgewaagd | Fundee | Gavan | Geluksburg | Ghandi | Glencoe | Glendale | Gluckstad| Golela | Gontshi | Graythorne | Groenvallei | Groenvlei | Grootspruit | Guzubusa | Hambrook  | Hammilton | Hardustria | Harrismith | Hartbeesfontein | Hartshill | Hattingspruit | Helpmekaar | Hide Park | Hillside | Highmoor | Hlobane | Hlolela | Hlungwana | Hoffenthal | Hongerspoort | Horse shoe | Hispital Park | Houdkop | Hutten Heights | Hyde Park | Ingagane | Ingogo | Intabazwe | Inverness | Isandlwana | Iswepe | Izitende | Jagersrust | jakkalspan | Jobskop| Jozua | Kafferstad | Kemp | Kerkenberg | Kilbarchan | Kilegethe | Kinghill | Kingsley | Kliprivier | Knights Pass | Komvoorhoogte | Koppie Alleen | Kortnek | Korus | Kosmospark | Kwa Ceza | Kwaggasnek | Kwagodlankomo | Kwakhangela | Kwaphenyane | Ladysmith | Laingsnek | Lancaster Hill | Langkrans | Latemanek | Legana Drift | Lenjanedrif | Lennoxton | Lenville | Leonardsville | Lime Hill | Limit Hill | Little Switzerland | Lloyds Drift | Loskop | Lotusville | Louwsburg | Lucitania | Lunebuerg | Lurula | Lynwood | Madadeni | Maduladula |  Madune | Magangangozi | Mageni | Magudu | Mahlangasi | Mahulumbe | Majuba | Malonjeni | Malta | Mangeni | Matiwani | Matukusa | Mbabane | Memel | Metselfontein | Meulrivier | Meyerville | Mgwabe | Milnedale | Minera | Mkondo | Mkukwini | Modelkloof | Mondlo | Mont Aux | Montrose | Mooifontein | Mount Pelaan | Mount Prospect | Mpandleni | Muldersdale | Mullers Pass | Mvelani | Namakaze | Nambiti | Natal Spa | Nazareth | Ncandu Park | Ncome | Nerston | New Castle | Ngagane | Ngobeni| Ngogo | Ngogweni | Ngome | Ngula | Ngutu | Ngwempisi | Nhlazatshe | Nkambule | Nkande | Nkanyezi | Nondweni | Nongoma | Normandien |  Nqutu | Nsubeni | Ntabebomvu | Ntayeni | Nyanyadu | Oaklands Park | Observation Hill | Oliviershoek Pass | Onverwacht | Opuzane| Osizweni  | Owenscutting | Palbult | Palmford | Panbult | Paradise | Parksville | Paulpietersburg | Peacetown | Pepworth | Perdekop | Peters | Petesvale | Pholela | Piet Retief | Pieters | Pioneer Park | Platrand | Pomeroy | Pongola | Protea Park | Protest | Qedusizi | Qolweni | Resevoir Hills | Richview | Rietkraal | Riverside Industrial | Rivier Draai | Rivulet | Rockcliff | Roma | Rooipunt | Rookdale | Rookpunt | Roosboom | Rorkes Drift |Rosepark | Rothman |  Royal Natal National Park | Rusthof | Rutland | Sakhile | Sand River Valley | Sandspruit  | Sarclet | Scheeperneck |Schuinshooghte | Seqomeni | Sheepmoor | Sibongile | Signal Hill | Sikoko | Silutshana | Simdlangentsha | Simlangetja | Sithembile | Smiths Crossing | Snysspruit | Spionskop | St Matthews | St Pauls | Standerton | Stanfield Hill |  Stanford Park | Stanmore | Steadville | Steels Drift | Steilrand | Sterkfontein Dam | Stilwater | Strathcona | Suidvaal | Sunnymede | Sunnyridge | Sunset Ridge | Sunset View | Suryaville | Suurlaer | Swart Umfolozi | Swelisha | Swinburne | Talana | Tangeni | Tayside | Teku | Tendeka | Thakazele | The Cavern | The Downs | Thembalihle | Thokazi | Tholeni | Tholulwazi | Tintas Drift |Toppunt | Townlands | Tshiame | Tsakane | Tugela Vaal | Uithoek | Umbokweni | Umbulwana | Utrecht | Vaalkop | Van Reenens Pass| Van Riebeeck Park | Van Rooyen | Vant’s Drift | Verkykersdorp | Vlakpoort| Volksrust | Voorruistig | Vrede |  Vryheid | Vryheid East | Vukuzakhe | Vulandondo | Wag ‘n Bietjie | Wagon Hill | Wakkerstroom | Wallsend | Walton | Warden | Wasbank | Watersmeet | Wembley | Wesselsnek | Westerson | Wildrand | Wilgepark | Winterton | Witteklein | Witteklip | Wittenberg | Woodford | Woodford | Woodstock Dam | Wykom | Wyndale | Zitende | Zunckles | Zungwini

Get In Touch


Pest Control Specialists in Northern Natal are an industry leader in providing environmentally safe, reliable and superior services in order to protect our customer’s health, food and property.  Trusted and Recommended since 1978.


Monday: 07:30-16:30

Tuesday: 07:30-16:30

Wednesday: 07:30-16:30

Thursday: 07:30-16:30

Friday: 07:30-16:30

Saturday: Closed

Sunday: Closed

Public Holidays: Closed


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