Lawn Care

Selected Pest Control Specialist branches offer a comprehensive lawn care service to homeowners and businesses throughout South Africa. We offer the following comprehensive 6 Step service to ensure a lush, green and healthy lawn:   


Testing PH levels in soil and water to ensure optimum results. 


Properly timed granular feedings to promote thick, vibrantly green grass with a vigorous root system. As we sue slow-release micro-encapsulated fertilizer, the results are longer lasting and the danger of fertilizer burn is minimized.


Ongoing tailored applications to get rid of problem weeds including burclover, chickenweed, etc.


Applications to clear out moles, crickets, caterpillars and other turf damaging insects as needed throughout the year.


This fungus is a soil borne-organism which attacks grass fungi during periods of high humidity and moderately high temperatures. 


Significantly increase your soil’s configuration and capacity to cultivate a superior lawn.  Yearly aeration management decreases thatch build-up and increases lawn thickness.


Why get lawn care from us?

Experienced in lawn care since 1978

We provide a comprehensive service

We provide a range of lawn care solutions

Our highest priority is safety

Contact us today National Support Line: 0860 08 08 08
What we offer:

Services that ensure a lush, green and healthy lawn

Our comprehensive lawn care services will guarantee a lush, green and healthy lawn free from common pests.

Lawn care that improves your home’s appearance

A cared for lawn will improve the appearance of your home and also minimise the amount of dust and dirt entering your home.

Lawn care services that address specific needs

We are able to identify the pests invading your lawn and to use the correct pesticide to get rid of them.

How to prevent your lawn from attracting pests:

Remove your lawn cuttings so as to not attract any harvester ants
A healthy lawn will deter the growth of weeds on your property

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