031 569 4162/9 | 082 826 8520
Home and Business Cleaning Services In pinetown
- Wet and dry carpet cleaning and upholstery cleaning
- Pre-occupational cleaning
- Spring cleaning
- Window cleaning
- Mattress cleaning
- Fabric protection
- Contract cleaning
- Hospital cleaning
- Hotel cleaning
- Bank cleaning
- Food processing establishments cleaning
- Shopping malls cleaning
- Retail stores cleaning services
- Hygiene services, rental & servicing of washroom equipment
- Deep cleaning & disinfecting
- Canopy or extractor hood cleaning
- Fat trap cleaning
- Computer cleaning
- Ceiling cleaning
- Stripping and sealing
- Specialised cleaning services
- And any other cleaning services
Why choose Cleaning Services Specialists pinetown
National Helpline
0860 08 08 08
Managing Partners: Ruben & Joey Reddy
Phone: 082 921 7473
083 412 1075
031 569 4169
Address: 52 Mckenzie Road, Windermere Durban 4001
About pinetown Cleaning Services Specialists
Cleaning services carried out by the Cleaning Specialists in Durban and Pinetown was founded in 2004 and has competed successfully in the cleaning industry ever since. They can boast hundreds of satisfied customers and letters of recommendation to their name.
The areas covered from the Durban and Pinetown branches are Durban Central, Durban surrounds, Westville, Pinetown, Gillitts, Kloof, Hillcrest, Umhlanga, Durban North, Mount Edgecombe, Ballito, Amanzimtoti.
We provide a professional Integrated Cleaning Services in Pinetown which services:
Alany Grove | Albany | Albinia | Alexander Park | Alphen Amaoti | Andresris | Angola | Arena | Ashley | Asseygay | Astra Park | Athol Heights | Atholton | Avoca Hills | Balgowrie | Barns | Barrs | Bashewa | Baviaanspoort | Belvedere | Berkshire | Berrel | Beverly Hills | Birchwood | Blackburn Estate | Blackburn Village | Blowen | Boschkop | Bothashill | Brindhaven | Brookdale | Buffelsdale | Buffelsdraai | Bull-Bull | Burbreeze | Burnside | Caliph | Canelands | Canelands Industrial | Canside | Castle Hill | Caversham Glen | Centenary Park | Chatsglen | Chatsworth | Chelmford Heights | Chelmfordsville | Chiltern Hills | Clansthal | Clayfield | Clermont | Cliffdale | Clifton Park | Clover Dairies | Coedmore | Coffee Farm | Comubia | Congo | Constancia Park | Cordoba Gardens | Cornubja | Corovoca | Cottonlands | Cowies Hill Park | Cowies Hill | Crestholme | Crestview | Croftsdene | Crossmoor | Cullinan | Dandaloo | Dawncrest | Dawncliff | Donkerhoek | Dores Flats | Drummond | Duffs Road | Dwamqanjewa | Dwandengezi | Earlsfield | Eastbury | Ekuphakameni | Ekuthuleni | Elangeni | Emachobeni | Emakhosini | Emansenseni | Ematikwe | Emawothi | Emberton | Emgidweni | Emlandweni | Emlanjeni | Emthini | Enkanyisweni | Enyoni | Epitoli | Erin-Go-Braght | Escombe | Esibubulungu | Everest Heights | Everton | Ezikhalini | Ezilwaneni | Ezimangweni | Falcon Industrial Park | Famingham Ridge | Faringham | Fawnleas | Fazzard | Fields Hill | Flamingo Heights | Flaunders | Forest Hills | Forrest Haven | Franingham-Ridge | Frazer | Grandhinnagar | Garstow A.H | Ghandi’s Hill | Gillits | Glamis Heights | Glen Almond | Golokodo | Goqokazi | Graeross | Grangerstown | Grayleigh | Greenbury | Groenberg | Grove End | Gwala | Hambanati Village | Hatton Estate | Havenside | Highbury | Highland Hills | Hill Head | Hillary | Hillcrest Park | Hillcrest | Hilldene | Hillgrove | Hilltop Gardens | Hippo Road | Hospital Hill | Illovo | Inanda | Industria | Inkanyezi | Inyaninga | Kameeldrift | Kharwastan | Kirk Falls | Klaarwater | Klaarwaterkloof | Kloof | Koegas | Kruisfontein | Kwa Linda | Kwa Mashu | Kwa Mynandu | Kwadebeka | Kwafakazi | Kwandengezi | Kwangcolosi | Kwasondela | Lamontville | Lagersfontein | Lenham | Linchoten | Lindokuhle | Longcroft | Luganda | Magaweni | Malaba Hills | Malakazi | Malvern | Maotana | Maqadini | Marianhill Park | Maromeni | Mawelewele | Mawotana | Maxmead | Mazakhele | Memorial Park | Merebank West | Missionlands Industrial | Mitchells Village | Mnamata | Moller | Moloto | Molweni | Monfibelo | Montford | Mooiplaats | Moorton | Moseley| Moseley Park | Motala Fram | Motala Heights | Motalabad | Mount Edgecombe | Mount Moreland| Mount Moriah | Mount Royal | Mount Vernon | Mountain Ridge | Mountview | Mpola | Nagina | Ndaleni | Ndwedwe | New Dawn Park | New Farm | Newlands East | Newlands West | Newtown | Nirvana Hills | Nkwedwe | Nobeni Heights | Northcroft | Northdene | North Industria | Ntuzuma | Nwabi | Oakford | Osindisweni | Ottawa | Pahla | Palmers Estate | Palmiet | Palmview | Paradise Valley | Parkgate | Parlock | Penare | Phillip Frame Park |Phoenix Industrial | Phumphele | Piesang | Piet Rivier | Piets Corner | Pinelands | Pineside | Pinetown | Pineview | Prestondale | Quarry Heights | Queensburgh | Queensmead Industrial | Queensmead | Radfieldpark | Rainham | Recreation | Red Hill | Redcliffe | Redfern | Regency Park | Ridgeview | Rietfontein | Rietrivier | Rietvlei | Risecliff | Riverhorse Valley| Riyadh | Rockford | Ronaldskloof | Rydavale | Saana | Salem | Samcor | Sandfields | Sekela Estate | Shallcross | Shastri | Shembes Village | Shongweni | Shortlands | Silstone | Silver Glen | Sithundu | Sol Ramara | Southcliff | Southgate Industrial | Southgate | South Hampton | Southmead Industrial | Southridge| St Hellier | Stainsbank | Starwood | Station Park | Steelcastle | Sterkspruit | Steves Rest | Stockville Valley | Stonebridge | Stroude | Strulands A.H | Summerveld | Sunford | Surprise Farm | Suzors Bend | Temple Valley | The Wolds | Thornglen | Thornwood | Tin Town | Tollgate South | Trenance Manor | Trenance Park | Trurolands| Tshelimnyama | Tygerpoort | Umhlathuze | Umhloti Heights | Umkumbaan | Umlazi Glebe | Umlazi | Umshini | Ungendwa | Valdin Heights | Valley Trust | Vanrova | Verulam | Waterfall | Waterloo | Waterways | Watsonia | Welbedacht | Westcliff | Westham | Westmead | Westmead Extension | Westrich | Westriding | Westville | Whestone | Winston Park | Woodhaven | Woodhurst | Woodside | Woodview | Xwelethu | Yellow Wood Park | Zamokhuhle | Zilweleni | Zwsolle
Cleaning Specialists in Pinetown are an industry leader in providing environmentally safe, reliable and superior services in order to protect our customer’s health, food and property. Trusted and Recommended since 1991.
Monday: 07:30-16:30
Tuesday: 07:30-16:30
Wednesday: 07:30-16:30
Thursday: 07:30-16:30
Friday: 07:30-16:30
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed
Public Holidays: Closed
Whether you’re looking for pest control solutions for large industrial premises or for your family home, we’ve got three decades of pest control experience under our belt. We offer a range of pest control solutions, including: bird proofing, flea control, rodent control and more.